Monday, October 7, 2013

Garbology Chapter 6

This chapter was so interesting and I really learned so much! First off, I really respect Miriam Goldstein, the scientist, because she has so much dedication to do all these experiments on plastic in the ocean. She even says that it is more difficult to examine plastic in the ocean then an archeologist or paleontologist because you cant know the exact age of the plastic. So most experiments are difficult to declare, due to uncertain elements. In other words, they cant say exactly where and when the plastic got to where it is. Humes really shows how he feels about the plastic in the trash and from what I got, he seems to be very annoyed and worried about it. The sad part was learning about how the sea animals had little plastics in their body, which then transfers to our body due to seafood markets and restaurants. Another thing that caught my attention was when Humes said that Goldstein, "Pacific Garbage Patch", found garbage floating around twice as large as Texas!!! You could find that on page 130 of Garbology. He also blames it all on man-kind, because he says "as Goldenstein points out, there's really nothing to debate about who and what is turning the oceans into plastic soup, as plastic is a completely man-made substance"(Humes 135). When I read this quote, I put 3 stars by it to show how much I loved that! I mean, he does have a point and it clearly shows that it is man-kind's fault. There was so much information in this chapter, I spent so long highlighting things and writing little notes and stars for things I not only found interesting, but that I agreed with.

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