Thursday, October 17, 2013

Garbology Chapter 8

This chapter did not really catch my attention, although some parts were important to know. Bill Rathje, the archeologist, started a garbage project which basically was used with his students. They did independent projects on the difference in trash between a poor family and a rich family. They said it was pretty equal but the poor family spent more on child education. There was one quote that Rathje said that I found very true "Most people don't know their trash...but through their trash, we sure do know a lot about them."I found that very interesting and also very true. Trash can tell you so much about the person throwing it away, even in the ancient times. Archeologist have found out so much about the past from their trash. That is very interesting. Due to the successful experiment with the two families (the poor and rich) , the Garbage Project became huge and spread more and more. They used the garbage project from examining food wastes to toxic household waste. The Garbage Project also helped with the incomes and demographics in different neighborhoods.

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